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Dawson Local Harvest:  The Dawson Local Harvest for January

The Local Harvest for January 15th!

Winter Produce and More for the New Year


It’s January and the Harvest is featuring cool-weather Vegetables including Cabbage, Kale, and Leeks from LEILANI’S. You’ll also find fresh pasture-fed Beef from FIVE HENS, delicious raw Milk from LITTLE BROWN COW, local Honey from BRADLEY’S, and plenty more. Check out the Market’s menu for this week.


REMEMBER! You can order until Tuesday night at 8pm. Pick up your order at Leilani’s Gardens Friday afternoons from 4 to 7pm.

You’ll find the DAWSON LOCAL HARVEST at

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible! We guarantee your satisfaction with all products in the DAWSON LOCAL HARVEST.

Have a happy and healthy week!

Alan Vining
Market Manager

StPete.LocallyGrown.Net:  Market NOW Open - Jan. 11, 2016

Ready To Order?

sign in & shop now
FIRST TIME CUSTOMERS You are invited to watch our Market Tutorial before you begin. If you do not receive an email confirmation immediately after you order, then you did not click the SUBMIT ORDER button and we did not receive an order from you. Call your Market Manager for help.


Active members of our Market have been enjoying monthly potluck socials for several years now and benefitting from networking with like-minded folks. This year we hope to change up the event a bit and we are open to your suggestions. So far we’ve come up with meeting in a local park on the water, meeting at someone else’s home instead of ours, and even changing up the time of day so that perhaps more people will participate, including children. January’s potluck will be in our backyard and February’s location is almost determined. Wondering if any of our Growers, Customers or Volunteers would like to host our potluck social at their propery or garden? Please let me know and we’ll get together to discuss. For Growers, this would be a great opportunity to attract volunteers you might be needing and customers will get a firsthand look at your beautiful produce!

Message from Your Market Manager

Beef & Pork Updates
This is the last week to order beef for delivery the week of Jan. 25th. Beef ordered this week will appear on your invoice and be PRE-paid with the rest of your weekly order. Ground beef is the only beef that will be delivered to you this coming week. Cuts to prepay include stew meat, London broil, liver, chuck roast, delmonico steak, flatiron steaks, rib steaks, NY strip steaks, meaty soup bones, and short ribs. All pricing and weights listed are approximate and based on history of what we have purchased before from Lake Kersey Farms. Your final price will be adjusted (up or down) for actual weight prior to delivery and charged/credited to your account. If you’ve not cooked grassfed, grass finished beef before then you should know that this beef is as fat-free as a white chicken breast so it cannot be cooked like conventional beef. I tend to use my crockpot as it never fails to produce a tasty and tender result but many people have success cooking it otherwise. Please visit our Q&A page to get info and recipes on cooking this healthier choice of beef.

Please pre-order your pork THIS WEEK so we can meet our $300 minimum purchase requirement and get you all some discounted pricing. We now have a full range of USDA inspected pork cuts available from pastured pigs, frozen and vaccuum packed, including pork loin, bone-in pork chops, Boston butt roast, picnic or shoulder roast, fresh ham roast, and ribs, with all hogs raised by Low Hills Cattle Company. This new “grower” also provides us with amazing UNCOOKED pork sausages that are MSG and nitrate-free with all natural ingredients. These are made at Geier’s Sausage Kitchen in Sarasota, Fl. (and don’t count towards the minimum purchase.) Pork cuts are PRE-paid just like the beef. THERE IS A CAVEAT: I won’t purchase until enough customers have ordered. Without enough response by mid-January, I was planning to refund any collected prepaid amounts and cancel the orders from this Grower. BEFORE I DO THAT, I will contact everyone who ordered and see if they are willing to wait any longer for their pork.

Fab News on our Market’s Raw Dairy Products

Pam Lunn of The Dancing Goat & distributor for JTB Jersey Farm of Duette, Fl announces that all of the raw COW milk products coming from JTB are now totally NON GMO Grass based. Not only that but JTB has expanded their herd and the abundance of product has already improved! Now there is more for our SPLG customers and over time the volume should continue to grow. If you’ve been missing out on these raw cow products, do try them now.

Plants Galore on Our Market

In case you haven’t noticed, our Market has expanded its realm to selling a pretty impressive collection of over 20 different locally grown plants. Mrs. Chippy’s Plant World has taken the lead in plant sales and you’ll want to investigate what kind of edible exotic abundance that her fruit, herbs, and flowers can bring to your homestead. Debra’s passionate dedication, her membership in the Tampa Bay Rare Fruit Council, and contacts with the University of Florida Extension Service in Pinellas County contribute to her success, especially with exotic plants. SPLG is SO grateful she has found us to distribute her fabulous fare! You can easily find her plants under the "P"s on our Market page and don’t miss her Pomegranite and Surinam Cherry trees under the "T"s.

Abundant Veggies This Week & Why You Need Them

  • The health benefits of Bok Choy aka Pak Choi are many! Loaded with antioxidants and contributing to strong bones are just a few of it’s benefits. What Are the Health Benefits of Bok Choy covers it all AND links to a low carb recipe too.
  • “Did you know that the different parts of the broccoli plant each make their own unique contribution to its overall nutritional value?” “The surprising health benefits of broccoli leaves” contends that “the leaves actually are a richer source of beta-carotene than either the stems or florets.”
  • According to Health Properties of Tomatoes “Tomatoes contain all four major carotenoids: alpha- and beta-carotene, lutein, and lycopene. These carotenoids may have individual benefits, but also have synergy as a group (that is, they interact to provide health benefits)…” and there are so many ways to enjoy them!
  • There is lots of fiber in starfruit, better known as carambola. 7 Health Benefits of Starfruit offers insight into its uses for weightloss and digestive balance, among other things.

Calamondin (aka sour oranges), starfruit aka carambolas, papayas (ripe & green!), and Miracle Fruit (great for chemo patients) —all locally grown in St. Pete. Non-local: Braeburn apples from Washington State.

FRESH picked greens in abundance this week: arugula, bok choy, broccoli greens, Lacinato kale, collard greens, turmeric, and Swiss chard. Tis the season to be green. Take advantage while the weather allows us these treasures!

Local honey, scallops, coconut infused balsalmic vinegar, smoked Alaskan Sockeye Salmon, turmeric.

PURCHASE DEADLINE 8PM TONIGHT for Geraldson Community Farm
After 8pm, you will find that only the NOT-SOLD-OUT items are still available. You will still be able to shop all other Growers until Market closes Wednesday 8am.

A critical part of KGI’s work is educating people about the positive role kitchen gardens are playing and will play in the future. This TED talk entitled “A subversive plot: how to grow a revolution in your own backyard” presents good reasons to join the “conspiracy”.

MARKET MEMBERSHIP FEE is $60 when paid in January
If you have never ordered from us, you should know that the membership fee doesn’t get charged until your SECOND order. Our Market Season fee started at $80 in November and each month it decreases by $10. Our Market Season lasts until the end of June.

Please call Tina at 727-515-9469 to get on the schedule for this Wednesday or an upcoming Wednesday. Your shift will be about 2 hours long. You will print reports and attend to customer orders. Computer literacy preferred.

Upcoming Events

All these and more are posted on our Calendar of Events


  • *"Monthly Potluck Social" for January 23rd is scheduled and Evites have been sent out to all qualifying Market members. Hope to see you!

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

The Wednesday Market:  Time to Order

Hello, all! We hope you are snug and happy somewhere warm on this raw day. Is it just me, or does it feel like it might snow? My handy dandy weather station reports that it is 44 degrees outside, with 65 percent relative humidity. So, no, it’s not going to snow anytime soon.

The Wednesday Market is open for orders. Please place your orders by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 3 and 6 p.m. Wednesday. Check the website for all of this week’s product offerings. Here is the link:

My son Stephen, who is a 7th grader at Pike Middle School, has Agriculture as his elective for the next 9 weeks or so. His plan is to fix up and replant the garden plot he established in September 2014 during his first agriculture project. He is looking forward to the process, and we are hoping to learn with him. As the project progresses, I’ll share photos and news of Stephen’s efforts.

Thank you for supporting locally grown agriculture and for choosing to purchase locally.

Have a great week, and we’ll see you Wednesday!



Russellville Community Market:  RCM Opening Bell

Hey everyone, and welcome to a new market week!

Be sure to check out the newly listed items this week! Lots of great, local products to be had!

Happy shopping! Eat Local!

Check out the “Featured Items” section as well as the “What’s New” section at the top of the market page for all the latest products available.

Be sure to “Like” our Facebook page for updates and food-related events in your community!

To ensure your order is placed, make sure you click the “Place My Order” button once you have completed your shopping. Remember, you have until 10:00pm Tuesday evening to place your orders.

Happy Shopping! See you on Thursday!

Russellville Community Market


Fountain Fresh Dairy LLC:  Tomorrow

Hello everyone,
Due to the cold weather, we will not be having pickup tomorrow evening (Monday the 11th). Stay warm!

Suwanee Whole Life Co-op:  Reminder: Place your co-op before 6pm today!

Just a friendly reminder that the market orders are due today by 6 pm.

Please remember that we need to hit certain minimums in order for our farmers and vendors to deliver to us.

Thank you for placing your order and supporting local farms and businesses!

See you on Tuesday!

Click Here to Order

Champaign, OH:  Your Song

I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss…

Well a few of the verses well they’ve got me quite cross…
But the sun’s been quite kind…
While I wrote this song…
It’s for people like you that
Keep it turned on…
(Your Song- Elton John)

It’s one of those January Sunday mornings that greets us with wind, snow, cold. While many people find this scene quite comforting, all curled up with coffee or tea, watching the snow, reading, doing whatever they do during these kind of days, I am all restless, crazy, and immediately in need of warm sunshine, warm breezes, and outside activity with markets, festivals, events.

This is the month when people don’t want to be out, in town, either. They don’t want to venture out to the shops, or to walk the lovely sidewalks to shop in the lovely shops. The Cosmic Breads and Threads Shop, included.

So, on these winter days, I spend time planning, organizing, baking, dreaming, and scheming all new things for the upcoming season.

But, I also am able to just concentrate on this little local market of love. The goodness of it, the map of where we are going, the pride in the market, the vendors, the customers, the YMCA, and the community that supports us. It’s like this is our song, and our gift to the community. The gift of keeping it all real, all local, and bringing you the best of the best, each and every week!

Friday evening, I was able to break away, for wine and dinner, with a good friend, at a local place. It was a night of heartfelt chats, good wine, and just much needed girl chat time. This song was in the background, at one point, and for some reason, I have been singing it over and over. I kept wondering why it’s been stuck in my head.

At first, I thought it was because I’ve always found it so beautiful. Then, I thought it was because it was one of my very first pieces of vinyl that I ever owned, and still have in my possession. Then, it hit me…Your Song…it speaks to all of us, about different things, in each of our lives.

As I said, this market is our local song. Our song that we sing, weekly, and with much pride. We all bring our own song to this market. The products, the vendors, the customers, the Y…we all bring a variety of verses to make up the entire song.

And, we thank you, each and every day, for helping us to keep it turned on…

It’s a perfect day to sit and make your list, and get your orders in for this week’s market. Such an easy way to do your shopping, keep it real, keep it affordable, keep it local, and to create your own blend of orders to sing your own song…

And, you can tell everybody, this is your song…

Peace, Love, Good Vibes…
Cosmic Pam

Stones River Market:  Time to Order Local Food - A New Vendor Joins This Week

Stones River Market

How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook:
On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.

Market News

Welcome back to another week of local products as well as probably the coldest week of winter yet. Due to the cold weather, Rocky Glade Farm is taking a break this week but there are still plenty of vegetables from Frontier Family Farm. Watch for Erdmann Farm, Ferris Family Farm and Flying S Farms to update their inventory.

We have a new vendor joining us this week. It is Nom Noms Dog Treats. Sandy comes to us from Nashville with gluten free wheat free deliciously nutritious dog treats.

Flying S Farms has updated her frozen soup listing with a vegan tomato basil. Partner that with the Artisan bread from Double Star Bar Farms and you have a delicious winter meal. The cheese dips or pastas from Alfresco Pasta would also be a nice accompaniment with the bread.

If you like making your own soups, then look to see what Farrar Farm, Wedge Oak Farm and West Wind Farms has to offer.

There are plenty of other products available this week. Browse the categories to see what your will find.

Thanks so much for your support of Stones River Market, all of our growers, local food, and our rights to eat it. We’ll see you on Wednesday at Southern Stained Glass at 310 West Main Street from 5:00 to 6: 30 pm!


Please, share your recipes with us on the Recipes tab. We’d all love to know how you use your Stones River Market products, so we can try it too!

I am taking a break from recipes. Look for them to return soon.

I thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!


See the complete list of products at

CLG:  Opening Bell: Jelly, Lettuce, Apples, Purple Hull Peas!

Good afternoon!
Does your honey ever get crystallized in the jar? If it does, you can easily get it back to normal by sitting the jar in a hot water bath for about 10 minutes. Honey is naturally antibiotic and antiviral. The only way that natural air-born yeasts can become active is for water to be added to honey. As long as the moisture content remains under 18% nothing will grow in honey. Natural, raw, honey varies from 14% to 18% moisture content. Raw honey also contains enzymes that help in its digestion. Honey was found in one of the Egyptian pyramids, estimated at several thousand years old, and it was still good! Awesome bees!!! See you on Friday!

Come early on Friday for the best selection from the EXTRAS table. And save your eggshells throughout the week for the laying hens! :-)

The market is now OPEN for orders. Please check your email about 5 minutes after you place your order to make sure you get an order confirmation. Thank you for being a valuable part of CLG!

Have a great week!

ONLINE PAYMENT OPTION. When you are done shopping, just hit the “proceed to checkout” button in your cart. You will then see the option to “Pay Now” with credit card near the bottom. Just follow the prompts to add your card. Be sure to read the screen until you see “Thank you for your order” on the top. If you need help, please call 339-7958. A 3% online payment convenience fee will be added when your card is charged.

How to contact us:


Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039

Email: Steve –

Our Website:

On Facebook:

Tullahoma Locally Grown:  Your Market is Open

Good Morning.

Your Tullahoma Locally Grown Market is open. There are great selections from our growers including beef, chicken, pork, eggs, milk, candles, organic coffee, sprouts, and so much more. Please feel free to browse the online market. Be sure to select your items between now and Wednesday at noon.

Here is the link to the market: Tullahoma Locally Grown Market

Thank you for your support. Have a great day,
Fuel So Good Coffee Roasters